Clark Diesel Forklift 2.5T: 3 Year Warranty, Cost Effective Option!

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Clark Diesel Forklift 2.5T: 3 Year Warranty, Cost Effective Option! : $29,990 AUD ($32,989 Inc. GST)
Operator focused, Cost efficient, Massive uptime. Perfect for general usage, the GTS25D will take care of all of your material handling needs The Clark GTS25D 2.5T Diesel Forklift features include:
* 3 Year Full Parts & Labour Warranty
* 2.5t Forklift, Two front wheels drive
* CLARK suspension seat for operator comfort
* Side shift
* 3 stage 4.8m FFL mast
* Pneumatic Tires
* Maintenance free Wet disk brakes
* 500 hour service intervals
* Safe entry and exit with boarding handle and non-slip step
* Robust Yanmar Engine
Power type: Diesel
Engine: Yanmar 4TNE98
Load Capacity: 2500kg
Operation position: Sit Down
Fork Width: 1185mm
Fork Length: 1070mm
Rated Power(kw): 43
Also available in 3 and 3.3t
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