McCormick S-MAX 75 Tractor

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McCormick S-MAX 75 Tractor : $64,375 AUD ($70,813 Inc. GST)
McCormick S-MAX 75 CAB Tractor with Front End Loader and 4 in 1 Bucket!
As part of an ongoing commitment to providing customers with an increasingly more comprehensive range of products, McCormick proposes the S-MAX series. This tractor range has been crafted to present unmatched value for money to the general duties farmer and are amongst the most accessible, user-friendly and efficient tractors in their particular segment. This series offers an excellent quality to price ratio, without losing out on either components or performance.
• 75hp
• 4 Cylinder Turbo Engine
• Air-Conditioned Cabin
• 12 x 12 Shuttle Transmission
• 2 Sets of Rear Hydraulic Outlets
• 2 Speed Power Take-Off
• Front End Loader
• 4 in 1 Bucket
• Rego Ready
• 2 Year / 2400 Hour Warranty
Our McCormick Tractors are compatible with a range of attachments and implements - add on a slasher , mower , auger , spreader , seeder , mulcher , ripper , grader blade , box blade , hay baler , spike , bale fork and much more today!
Time for an UPGRADE? We want your TRADE! Trade in your old Deutz, John Deere , Caterpillar , Fendt , Kubota , New Holland , Case IH or Massey Ferguson and upgrade to a NEW McCormick Tractor!