Clark Lithium Ion Forklift 2.5T: 1 Year Warranty, Low Maintenance Costs, Zero Emissions!

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Clark Lithium Ion Forklift 2.5T: 1 Year Warranty, Low Maintenance Costs, Zero Emissions! : $43,490 AUD ($47,839 Inc. GST)
Operator focused, Cost efficient, Massive uptime, Low maintenance, Zero emissions. Perfect for warehouse usage, the LEP25 saves your money, your ears and your environment! Key features of the Clark LEP25 Lithium Ion Forklift 2.5T include:
* 1 Year Full Parts & Labour Warranty
* 3 Battery Warranty
* 2.5t Forklift, Two front wheels drive
* CLARK suspension seat for operator comfort
* Side shift
* 3 stage 4.5m FFL mast
* Pneumatic Tires, Front and rear LED lights
* Quiet operation
* Safe entry and exit with boarding handle and anti-skid tape
* Anti-roll back function
* American Curtis Controller
* 30% less average maintenance
Power type: Lithium Ion
Load Capacity: 2500kg
Operation position: Sit Down
Fork Width: 1190mm
Fork Length: 1067mm
Max Fork Height: 4520mm
Also available in 3.2t
Call us NOW and get your quote for a Forklift that will SAVE your business money in the long run!