1.6t Electric Reach Truck, 5.5m Mast - Red Stock Special - 1 LEFT

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1.6t Electric Reach Truck, 5.5m Mast - Red Stock Special - 1 LEFT : $39,990 AUD ($43,989 Inc. GST)
EOFY SPECIAL - IN STOCK with 1 remaining - NEW Sit Down 1.6t Electric CLARK Reach Truck
Delivery included to Sydney metro city locations! Located in Sydney, NSW. Delivery available outside these areas*.
With standard high driving speeds (up to 14 km / h), wear-free wheel brakes and high safety equipment, the CLARK reach trucks of the SRX series optimize the productivity in your warehouse.
Included battery and charger.
>Motive power:
Battery Electric
>Nominal load capacity:
>Mast type:
Triple stage
>Lowered mast height:
>Maximum fork height:
>Attachment type:
Side shift
>Fork tynes:
*Contact us for more information on delivery costs outside of Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne City Metro areas.